Hey guys today i present you an amazing rom ported by vivekchib bro and compiled by rohan taneja bro.as you guyz already know minimal Os is an Aosp based rom with layers support and as the name says this rom has minimal apps which gives awesome ram management,i used this rom for 1 day and i can say this was the smoothest rom i used other than cyanogenmod,the battery was quiet amazing.Loved this Rom ;)
Memory leak fixes and other fixes from AOSP.
Layers 2.1 Support [Latest].
UBER Toolchain 4.9.4.
Disabled Fullscreen Keyboard in Landscape.
Notification Ticker.
Statusbar Brightness Control.
Show Notification Count.
Double-tap Statubar or Navbar to sleep.
Clock Customization [Left,Center,Right].
Headsup Swipe.
Battery Status Style.
Privacy Guard.
Filter Notifications.
Smart Call.
Smart Mute.
Detailed Caller Information.
Phone Number Lookup.
Quick Pin Unlock.
Gesture Unlock.
Quick Settings.
Quick Pulldown.
Show Weather [It will be removed soon].
Ability to disable Heads up.
Force Expanded Notification.
Advanced Reboot.
Screen Record.
Clear All Recents [Top right, Top left, Top center, Bottom right, Bottom left, Bottom center].
Show Search Bar in Recents Menu.
LCD Density.
Navbar Customization.
Navrings Customization.
Re-Orient Volume Buttons.
Expanded Desktop.
Ambient Display Customization.
Silent Mode.
Battery Light Customization.
LED Notification Customization
Screen Shots:
How to install:
Download the ROM
Copy the ROM to your SD Card
Boot into recovery
Wipe data, cache and dalvik cache
Install the ROM
Rohan Taneja(For this Build)
Pawan Diyal(For Fixing Bugs)
Ajit Guraya
Vivek Chib(Porter)
Vijay Jaiswal
Ranjan Singh(Shared Storage Patch)
Manan Vallecha
Plz port it for gionee p4 mt6582
ReplyDeleteVersion Kernel please !