[Customize]Anime Boot Logo Collection for 480x800 devices

Hey guyz today i bring you some and hot boot logos for your devices with 480x800 resolution(720 will be added soon as soon ).some of these are made by me and some of them are collected from the internet,blogs,facebook.

warning:don't copy any content from this blog and post it on your own blog or social media,if you want to share it just copy the link of post and share ;)

How to flash:

-Download the logo zips from below
-place the zips in your sd card
-boot into recovery
-choose install
-locate to the zip file and flash ;)

1.Ace                                    2.Aizen sosuke                     3.Akatsuki Logo

4.Broly                                 5.BrolyLSSJ                        6.Tony-Tony Chopper

7.Donquixote                           8.SasukeEMS                          9.ErzaScarlet

10.Fairy Team                         11.DBZ Trio                             12.Franky

13.Freiza                                  14.GokuDBZ                           15.Goku

16.Goku-Vegeta                       17.Grey Fullbuster                  18.Toushiro

19.Ichigo Vaizard                    20.Ichigo Bankai                     21.Ichigo Hollow

22.Ichigo-Rukia                       23.Itachi Uchiha                      24.Laxus

25.Luffy Kid                            26.Monkey D Luffy                 27.Madara Tentail form

28.Nami                                   29.Naruto Uzumaki                30.Natsu/Happy/Lucy

31.EdwardNewgate                  32.Natsu                                  33.Straw Hats 

34.Piccolo                                  35.Renji                                   36.Rinnegan

37.Rukia Ikkai                         38.Rukia                                  39.Sabo

40.Sasuke                                 41.Spirit Bomb                          42.StrawHat

43.Teen-Gohan                          44.Vegeta                                 45.VegetaSJ

46.Zeref                                    47.Zoro                                     48.RoronoaZoro

49.Zoro                                    50.Zoro-Flag
Shiva Sai

Shiva Sai

Shiva Sai is the CEO of Techragon. He is a student and is interested in Android development and loves playing Video Games. Sai is an tech enthusiast who loves discovering and sharing new technology. He loves watching Anime and loves talking about Dragonball Z for hours!

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