How to Port KK/LP Roms Without Pc for MTk Devices.

   Hey guyz today i'm gonna teach you how to port custom roms based on kitkat for your deices with mt65xx chipset,many people were asking me the porting method and i finally found some time to write a guide about it.So,follow the steps carefully and do something that's not mentioned in this guide only if know what you are doing.

This guide is the simplest and very easy guide,which could be understood even by a beginer

Lets Begin with it already ;)


Portfiles: Kitkat II Lollipop (these for a106,use the files provided in the zip from your stock rom)
Port rom for same chipset
ES File Explorer : Here
some patience and working brain :p

This method is for normal porting which works on for
mt6592-mt6592,and so on crossport method will be posted later :D

Porting Method:

step1:Extract the port rom and provided zip file



step2:Delete these folders/files from port rom and replace with stock files(provided in above zipfile)
(or edit port rom Meta-Inf mount pounts as per ur device)
note:also delete if you find any extra files/folders.(only if u r replacing META)



step3:Delete and Replace these system files/folders from stock to port


step4:Now archive boot,meta-inf and system(and if any other than these)into zipfile
That's pretty much it :v


TroubleShooting & Bugfixes:

sol.copy and replace from stock system/lib to port system/lib

#Camera not working? or green camera?
sol.copy and replace these files from stock system/lib to port system/lib

#Audio from speaker not working?
sol.copy and replace from stock system/lib to port system/lib

#Inverted screen? build.prop of port rom and edit this line "ro.sf.hwrotation=x(x=180 or 0)" to "ro.sf.hwrotation=180 or ro.sf.hwrotation=0",according to your device

More bug fixes Here

Thanks to:

Umang leekha
Qamrul haque
Vijay jaiswal
Sai charan
all u2 devs ;)

Keep visiting :D
Shiva Sai

Shiva Sai

Shiva Sai is the CEO of Techragon. He is a student and is interested in Android development and loves playing Video Games. Sai is an tech enthusiast who loves discovering and sharing new technology. He loves watching Anime and loves talking about Dragonball Z for hours!

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