[Rom] Pure Nexus Rom 6.0.1 CMTE for A106 (MT6582) by SHIVASAI [CPT].

   Hey watsup guys shivasai here and today i'm bringing you an amazing rom for our A106,yes it is Pure Nexus Rom Cm theme engine version with android version being the latest 6.0.1 Marshmallow so get ready to enjoy the feel of NEXUS.

   The Pure Nexus Project aims to bring stability and features to your Nexus device, while keeping Google's vision in line and not straying too far away from that. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features and minimal bugs, then this is the place to be.


We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.

"This is a user friendly thread. All feature requests will be heard and considered. I am not against anything that doesn't stray too far away from the original idea of the ROM! Helping one another is also encouraged! Please be respectful and you will always be treated the same way, we are all here for a good experience."

ROM Features:

*Based on AOSP Android 6.0.1_r30
*Pre-rooted with SuperSU 2.68
*SELinux Enforcing
*Init.d support
*Addon.d support
*Native Sprint PRL/Profile update
*Native ntfs and exfat support
*Full Layers and Theme engine support
*Google sounds from factory image not the horrible AOSP ones
*Googles marshmallow wallpapers added to wallpaper picker 
*Advanced Reboot menu enabled by default
*Advanced rotation settings
*Enabled Developer settings by default
*Enabled option to use multi-window mode
*Enabled click/longclick on notification panel header items
*Disabled forced encryption
*Disabled Tethering checks
*Disable Full screen keyboard in landscape option
*Show apps being optimized during initial boot
*Bug fix's and stability improvements
*UI Improvements (fixed a bunch google forgot to materialize)
*Download Speed in download notifications
*Scrolling cache improvements
*Seek-bar animation speed and font size control
*Hostname customization
*Adb over wifi access
*Full 3-Minit battery support no mods needed
*Kitkat style silent mode is now default
*Added headset icon attached icon in statusbar
*Added PureAmbient display options
*Added Full CAF Based AppOps
*Added ability to see app version when sideloading app
*Added ability to launch app from app info sceen
*Added app package name to app info screen
*Added ability to disable battery saver color in nav/statusbars
*Added ability to launch purenexus settings from notification drawer (longpress settings icon)
*Added ability to customize Settings dashboard columns, dashboard text lines, dashboard dividers
*Added wireless charging sound for usb chargers
*Native Dialer lookup in the aosp dialer
*Increasing ringtone option
*Incall vibration options
*Proximity speakerphone option
*National Data roaming option
*Call/Message blocking
*Flip to mute/reject call option
*Link/Unlink Notification ringtone option
*Added Standalone documents ui file manager
*Added Special keys to all keyboard keys
*Added more smileys to the aosp keyboard
*Removed googles bug report option
*Removed googles SystemUpdate option
*Removed googles legal information

-PureNexus Settings
Lock Screen
*Option to customize lockscreen shortcuts
*Option to customize lockscreen weather
*Option to customize lockscreen clock font
*Long press power for torch
*double tap anywhere to sleep
*Option to disable lockscreen media art
*Scramble pin layout
*Quick pin unlock
*options to unlock straight to pin/pattern/password entry
*option to hide lockscreen clock
*option to hide lockscreen date
*option to hide lockscreen alarm text
*Option to control max notifications on the lockscreen
*option to set the alpha of lockscreen and lockscreen security bouncer 
*Lockscreeen Wallpaper (add/crop/delete)
Notification Drawer
*Force Expanded Notifications
*quick settings pulldown (left,right,always)
*smart pulldown (no ongoing, no dismissable)
*brightness slider on/off toggle
*option for time aware contexual notification header images
*option for poly hd notification header images
*fully customizable quick settings with now up to 30 custom tiles
*option to enable or disable the top two main quicksettings tiles
*option to enable 3/4/5 quick settings tiles per row
*option for advanced location in location quick setting tile
*option to enable vibration on quick settings tiles
*option to disable quick settings on secure lockscreen
Recent Apps
*Immersive recents (stock, full screen, statusbar only, navbar only)
*Clear all recents toggle
*Clear all recents location option
*Clear all recents but last app toggle
*Recent searchbar on/off toggle
*slim recents and slim recent options
*Battery customization (stock, landscape, circle, dotted circle, text, none)
*Battery percent options (hidden, inside the icon, next to the icon)
*Battery Bar options (location, color, style, thickness, anitmation)
*Carrier Text customization (text placement, custom text)
*Clock customization (position, am/pm, date, date position, date style, date format)
*Network traffic meter options (disabled/incoming/outgoing/both,  units displayed, update interval, hide arrows, autohide, autohidethreshold)
*Status-bar options (purenexus icon, notification counter, double-tap to sleep, statusbar brightness control)
*Option to disable headset icon, vibrate/silent icon, vpn icon in statusbar
*Option to disale bluetooth icon in statusbar when not connected
Navigation Bar
*IME toggle
*Option for arrow cursor keys
*Option for double tap navbar to sleep
*Long-press back to kill toggle
*option to configure back kill delay
*Long-press recents for last app toggle
*Navigation bar size customization (width, height, length)
*Navigation bar customization (placement, buttons)
*Option to disable on secure lock
*Add/remove (reboot, screenshot, screen-record, torch, airplane mode, user switcher,settings shortcut, search, voice search, lock now, sound panel)
Volume Rocker
*Volume key wake
*Volume key music control
*Volume key keyboard cursor control
*Volume button swap toggle
*Control media volume anytime toggle
*Option to allow volume down in silent to enter do not disturb
*Option to allow volume up in do not disturb to exit do not disturb
*Options to control volume steps on the fly
*Expanded desktop options
*option to enable/disable wake on plug
*LED controls
Media & Notifications
*option to disable camera shutter sound
*option to disable double tap camera vibration
*custom heads up options (global on/off, timeout, force heads up, heads up whitelist, heads up do not disturb, heads up blacklist)
*option to disable low battery notification
*Option to disable battery saver notification
cLock Settings
*Customize the cLock widget
Tools and info
*device info
*battery history
*usage statistics
*wifi info
*build.prop editor
*fi switch tools (if project fi sim is installed)

Rom Bugs:

-Gesture typing using stock keyboard.
-Invert SS and recents.
-2G only sim switch.


Download Links:


-Zainal abidin
- Ferhung ( cm13 developer mt6582 )
- Fire855
- Sprout Dev
- Shreesha.Murthy 
- The Cheeky Bastards 
- Bajasur
- Dwitherell
- DaveyAnnihalation
- XDA developers
- Google 
- CyanogenMod Team
- Android Matrix Development TEAM
- AMD Indo Family 

keep visiting bros........
Shiva Sai

Shiva Sai

Shiva Sai is the CEO of Techragon. He is a student and is interested in Android development and loves playing Video Games. Sai is an tech enthusiast who loves discovering and sharing new technology. He loves watching Anime and loves talking about Dragonball Z for hours!

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